Tasting room and Try It On room


We love trying new to us products and are always searching for new stuff.  From this passion was born the tasting room a few years ago.  The tasting room occurs Thursday night at SSK and it is the perfect place to try needles, crochet hooks, looms, drum carders, blending boards, spinning wheels, and spindles of all kinds (along with lots of other stuff).

This year we are getting y’all involved by offering door prize ticket incentives.  If you have a product that you don’t mind people trying in the tasting room, bring it to SSK and we will give you 3 tickets for the loan of small items and 10 tickets for the loan of large items.  The room is supervised, but if you want to hang out with your stuff we would encourage that.    At the bottom of this page, you will find a form to print off and cut out for tagging your items.


Last year, we also added the Try It On room.  This room is Friday night and allows everyone to try on handmade items that they may have been thinking about making.  Sometimes it allows you to see modifications that you may want to make or check the appearance of a garment on yourself.  Some of the funniest moments come from things that may look good on others but are total fails like my Tubularity which looks amazing on my friend Eloise, but less amazing on others.

Similar to the tasting room, if you would be willing to loan items for others to try, we will reward you with doorprize tickets.  A garment will receive 5 tickets and an accessory will receive 3.  We ask that you pre-tag your items with the tags below, although we can also tag them for you at SSK.

We can’t wait to see everyone in a few weeks!

tasting room:try it on room tag pdf




Class Rosters

Class rosters for SSK classes have been posted here.  If you have any questions or need to change anything, just let Laura know and she will take care of you.  Just 30 more days!